Defining The Book “Be a Transcendent Man” “A Model for Masculinity with Integrity”

The purpose, the overwhelming definition of this book is really, “How to be a Man, a Teacher, an Example”. You all have had a journey of awareness, understanding and presence to be where you stand today. You have undergone hardships, traumas, events you’ve kept inside for so long…..

And yet you’ve come out on the other side: clearer of purpose, more compassionate and understanding, in the way you help your clients and the way you view the world at large. These are extraordinary stories. Inspirational. Especially to those who have never heard your story, your successes, your failures.

Transcendence is defined by four main characteristics:

  1. A shift in focus from the self to others – a shift from selfishness and egoism to consideration of the needs of others.
  2. A shift in values –no longer driven by external rewards and demands, but by intrinsic motivation (the reward for an activity is the activity itself).
  3. An increase in moral concern –a more intensive focus on doing what is right.
  4. Emotions of elevation – awe, ecstasy, amazement, feeling uplifted.

And I should add: A movement to heal ourselves and others, bringing our strength to heal the world, to affect positive change.

We are creating a safe space for all men who are suffering: from divorce, illness, addiction, death and loss. Sharing your story of growth, your journey into being a Transcendent Man is sharing with a world that has minimized, emasculated, blamed men for the ills of the world. By modeling, being a teacher, an elder in the older traditions you can tell your story and through your words show how to live with integrity in every aspect of life.

Let’s give them a choice. This book. Your stories. The tools you use.