Lovework. . . . . . the new shadow work. By Laura DiFranco 

originally posted and written by Laura DiFranco 

Lovework. . .

. . . the new shadow work.

And we healers have been marketing shadow work ALL WRONG up until now.

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, and I am a translator of “Woo” and healer speak. I help you share your brave words in a way they actually get it.

My holistic wellness practitioners will tell you that I’ve been trying to get rid of the word “woo” and “woo woo” for a while.

Because as soon as you experience a different, more powerful, deeper kind of healing that has lasting results, you won’t be calling it anything but AWE. MAY. ZING.

My healer friends will tell you that helping people understand why facing their biggest pain and trauma is an opportunity for their greatest joy and love can be challenging.

Challenging. Ha!

It’s impossible some days.

We speak woo. We do woo. We have magical superpowers that allow us to guide you to a place you’ve never been so that you can feel better than you’ve ever felt.

And doesn’t everyone want a little bit of that goodness?

Yes, yes they do.

It’s all about higher vibrations. Essentially all of the brave healers in my posse are dealing with energy and the ability to shift it higher, to things like gratitude, joy, and love. They are teaching that awareness and those practices.

Those vibrations are the makings of miracles for your body, your mind, and your soul. . .

. . . Oh, and that life you wake up dreaming about every day?

That too.

Now, let’s talk about this shadow work all your healers are trying to have you embrace. It’s the most true and authentic path to the biggest amount of joy.

Except nobody wants to go there.

Nobody purposefully signs up to walk into the shadows. Unless maybe they are an adventurer and bring a flashlight. (Or one of my Brave Healers).

We healers are the adventure guides.

We know what’s in the shadows. We’ve been there to feel it. Our own stuff.

We don’t love it there either, but we know what gifts lie in the crevices; the deepest corners always hold the biggest light, if you’re willing to look and feel. And having a guide is so wonderful. Guides know the path, what to expect, what to say, where to shine the flashlight, and how to move around, through, or under the obstacles.

So, healers, let’s be better marketers, so that everyone we’re guiding truly understands this.

YES, it’s hard work.
YES it’s a lifelong journey.
YES, it takes vulnerability and courage.
And YES, it’s all so worth the journey.

The moment you face the shadows (the pain, doubt, fear, shame, hurt, betrayal, etc.) is the moment you shift it.

Keep stuffing, ignoring, brushing off, putting off for later, or otherwise procrastinating on this journey. . .

. . . the the longer you’ll wait for what it is you’re hoping for: more love and joy.

And possibly money.

Ooooh, I know, that’s another conversation.

But money is also energy. Just sayin.

Okay, this post was channeled through me on a walk this morning. I hope it hits home.

I hope you’ll share it.

And stop allowing your magic to be called “woo woo.” Start letting people have a reframe of shadow work.

Love work, maybe?